The College will take appropriate, prompt action in response to all child safety incidents or concerns, including suspicions, allegations or disclosures of abuse or other harm, that are reported. Where appropriate, all matters that meet the required thresholds will be reported externally to the Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs (Child Safety Services), the Queensland College of Teachers, and/or the Police, depending on the information contained in the report.
Please click on the links below to see our current policies pertaining to Child Protection:
- Child Protection Policy
- Child Risk Management Strategy
- Procedure for Responding to and Reporting Harm, or Allegations of Harm
- Procedure for Responding to Child Safety Incidents or Concerns Involving College Staff, Volunteers and Contractors
Do you have a child safety concern you would like to report? Please complete a Child Safety Incident or Concern Reporting Form to make us aware so we can follow up - this can be submitted anonomously if you prefer.
Our Child Protection Officers can also be contacted directly at the College to discuss child safety concerns:
- Amanda Phillips | Head of College
- Sharon Elvins | Head of Learning Enrichment & Student Wellbeing
Please click on the links below to see our current Complaints Handling Policy and associated procedures:
A complaint can be submitted to the College by:
- Sending an email to the Complaints Manager - complaints@eatoncollege.qld.edu.au.
- Writing a letter to the College addressed to "The Complaints Manager".
- Phoning the College and asking to speak to your child's Teacher or the Head of College.
The College's Complaints Manager is -
- Amanda Phillips | Head of College
The Privacy Act requires us to protect all personal information (including sensitive information and health information) about any individuals who deal with the College. Please click on the link below to see our current Privacy Policy:
At Eaton College we have a whistleblower program that empowers you to play an active role in the elimination of improper conduct in the workplace. This program provides access to Stopline, a confidential, independent provider of whistleblowing services who will take full details of your concerns via telephone, mail, email, fax or this website. Click for more information.